If you are trying to find great recommended product with lowest price and high quality, then Lumishore Thru-Hull Color Change Underwater Lights - Pair - 72W is our suggestion. There are a lot of positive opinions about this product, Lumishore Thru-Hull Color Change Underwater Lights - Pair - 72W completed with various features making it the best product. If you need to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
Price: $6,799.00
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Product Description
Thru-Hull Color Change Lights - PairTHX72-CCP-2Color Change Controller IncludedThe Lumishore Thru-Hull Color-Change Plus is designed for those owners who would prefer the integrity of thru-hull installation using the most powerful, efficient and cost effective underwater LED lighting systems on the market today.Available in a variety of power levels the Lumishore Thru-Hull is suitable for many sizes and types of watercraft including Sports Boats, Cruisers, Yachts, and Super Yachts where a permanent hull fixture is required.The Lumishore Thru-Hull Color-Change Plus is a desirable replacement fitting for existing underwater hull lighting systems, and is manufactured to the highest standards and is made from the finest marine grade materials.Benefits: Unique control over color and light intensity DMX-enabled allowing the owner to create the ultimate 'Son et Lumiere' experience Best LED Price Performance on the market. Total Flexibility over installation and colour options. Easily retro-fitted to existing installations. Advanced driver/control design increasing integrity of system.Features: 3 channel multi-wavelength HICOB Array (36 watts per channel, Peak power 72 watts per device) 6 preset colours : Blue. Cyan, White, Green, Magenta and Red 4 Fish Attraction modes (mulitple colour, frequency and rate) Colour Palette to create your own personal colours Colour cycle mode Max current per channel; 2.5Amps@12V DMX-enabled for integration with sound systems Peak current (all channels set to max) 6Amps@12V
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