Ikelite TTL Adapter for Nikon Cameras in Housings with Nikonos Bulkheads Best Seller

If you're searching for best recommended product with cheaper price and great quality, then Ikelite TTL Adapter for Nikon Cameras in Housings with Nikonos Bulkheads is our recommendation. There are many good feedbacks about this product, Ikelite TTL Adapter for Nikon Cameras in Housings with Nikonos Bulkheads completed with various features making it great product. If you would like to know more info about this product, just look at its main features below.
  • PADI Master Scuba Diving Instructor Owned and Operated.
  • This Product Comes Complete With A Full Manufacturer Warranty.

Price: $459.95
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Product Description
Ikelite TTL Adapter for Nikon Cameras in Housings with Nikonos Bulkheads This Ikelite TTL Adapter is for Nikon cameras in non-Ikelite housings with Nikonos bulkheads. This detachable adapter allows Ikelite's proven Nikon iTTL conversion circuitry to be used with other manufacturers housings. Take advantage of true Nikon TTL exposure to get perfect results every time. Note! Adapter is NOT compatible with non-Ikelite strobes. FEATURES Same iTTL conversion circuitry proven effective in Ikelite housings for Nikon dSLR cameras. Allows you to toggle between iTTL and manual. Reliable Ikelite bulkhead connection at strobe end for attachment of single or dual sync cord. (Cord not included) Compatible with many brands of underwater camera housings. (Adapter is not intended for use with Ikelite housings) Delrin Nikonos-style connector prevents corrosion or seizing. REQUIREMENTS Nikon DSLR or Fuji S5 Pro camera and non-Ikelite housing 5-conductor TTL hot-shoe and Nikonos-style bulkhead in housing Current model Ikelite "DS" Substrobe. (NOT compatible with non-Ikelite strobes) Requires Ikelite #4103.51 or #4103.52 digital TTL sync cord for connection of Adapter to Ikelite Substrobe.


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