Nikon D90 Sechura DSLR Professional Underwater Waterproof Camera Housing/Case by BS Kinetics Best Seller

If you're looking for top recommended product with cheaper price and high quality, then Nikon D90 Sechura DSLR Professional Underwater Waterproof Camera Housing/Case by BS Kinetics is our suggestion. There are many good opinions about this product, Nikon D90 Sechura DSLR Professional Underwater Waterproof Camera Housing/Case by BS Kinetics completed with plenty of features making it great product. If you wish to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
  • Included Components: Standard Flatport, Handgrip, Water Sensor, Zoom Gear, User's Manual
  • Every single housing manufactured is tested to a standard immersion depth of 262 feet (80 meters).

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Product Description
The Nikon D90 Sechura Underwater Housing, by BS Kinetics.Included Components: Standard Flatport, Handgrip, Water Sensor, Zoom Gear, User's ManualThe Sechura underwater housing was developed for consumer digital SLR camera models such as the Nikon D90. Like all of BS Kinetics' camera housings, it is built using carbon fiber and epoxide resin, along with stainless steel, POM and saltwater-proof aluminium. These components can be used to make very light waterproof housing which can be used at a diving depth of up to 160m. Therefore, casing suitable for the purposes of technical divers can also be supplied.Ergonomics is of utmost importance to BS Kinetics in their underwater housing. For this reason, the shutter, focus and AV button can all be operated using the right hand without letting go of the casing. Additionally, BS Kinetics allows users to adjust the housing's shutter release by pulling and turning according to their personal requirements. This means it can be used as either a thumb-operated or trigger-operated shutter. The protruding parts of the casing can be folded away during transport to avoid damage.The desired image is selected using the zoom, which is operated with the left hand. The camera's most important functions - speed, aperture, shutter release and zoom - can all be used quickly and easily. All other operations are carried out using buttons or triggers on the back or top of the housing.The waterproof housing has a standard viewfinder, which scales down the picture marginally, showing around 90% of the actual picture. It is attached to the posterior side of the housing and can be rapidly interchanged between a 45 viewfinder from Inon and a 180 viewfinder from Nauticam or Inon.


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