Liquid Image Scuba Series HD720P Underwater Still/Video Camera Mask + Accessory Kit Special Offers

If you're searching for top recommended product with lowest price and great quality, then Liquid Image Scuba Series HD720P Underwater Still/Video Camera Mask + Accessory Kit is our recommendation. There are many positive opinions about this product, Liquid Image Scuba Series HD720P Underwater Still/Video Camera Mask + Accessory Kit completed with lots of features making it top product. If you need to know more details about this product, just look at its main features below.
  • HD 720p Video / Still Image Modes
  • Easy to use even with divewear
  • LCD panel built into back of the mask
  • Weatherproof Depth Rating 130 ft. / 40m
  • Accessories: USB cable, software CD, manual, Silicon case, batteries

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You can purchase these product with best price. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so buy it Now!

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Product Description
The Wide Angle Scuba Series HD is an integrated dive mask/camera that records HD 720P video (1280x720) at 30fps along with 5.0MP still images. The depth rating on this new model is 40m/130ft, which covers depths reached by certified recreational divers. The mask has a micro SD/SDHC card slot and comes with a 2GB micro SD card. The memory can expand up to 32GB, to record thousands of still images or approximately 16 hrs of video. The camera operates on 4 AAA Batteries. Estimated Lithium battery performance is 2000 still images or 2hrs of video.

The mask features lever style buttons which are easy to press while wearing diving gloves. To record a photo or a video, simply turn on the camera, choose the mode, then press the shutter button. LED lights inside the mask indicate the mode to the user. The buttons are positioned along the upper right corner of the frame and area easy to access. The goggle lenses are made of tempered glass and have integrated crosshairs that help you to line up shots.

The new wide angle will solve the issue of not completely framing the subject which some first time Camera Mask users have experienced with the original 54 degree lens. The wider angle POV camera will capture a larger field of view and therefore allow the user to think even less about operating the camera while snorkeling or scuba diving.

Downloading images is as easy as plugging in the mask to your PCs or Macs USB port RCA/USB cable provided and pressing the power button. TV playback is also possbile through the RCA/USB cable. The included software PC only allows you to edit your content. A microSD/SDHC card slot allows you to add memory up to 16GB currently and expected to accomodate up to 32GB for additional pictures or videos.

1) Scuba Series Underwater Video Camera
2) RCA/USB cable
3) Arcsoft MediaImpression PC editing software
4) 401 Carrying Case
5) AAA Batteries
6) micro SD8GB card
7) 5 pc. Cleaning Kit


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