If you are looking for top recommended product with discount price and better quality, then Sea Arm 8 SLR Set for Underwater Photography is our suggestion. There are many great opinions about this product, Sea Arm 8 SLR Set for Underwater Photography completed with plenty of features making it awesome product. If you need to know more info about this product, just read its main features below.
- [Construction] corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy (anodized body)
Price: $375.00
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Product Description
The Sea Arm 8 SLR set is designed for use with SLR housing systems such as the MDX-7D, MDX-D300s and more. The Sea Arm 8 components are machined from corrosion-resistant aluminum and carry an anodized coating for enhanced protection. Each piece is available separately or as pre-packaged options in the Compact Digital Set or SLR Set. The SA8SLR set consists of components (for 1 strobe): #SS-22112 5in arm, #SS-22113 8in arm, 3x #SS-22116 Ball Clamp, #SS-22115 Strobe Head S, #SS-22117 Slide Ball Base.
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