Ikelite Nikon Coolpix Package Best Deal

If you are looking for best recommended product with best price and high quality, then Ikelite Nikon Coolpix Package is our suggestion. There are a lot of good opinions about this product, Ikelite Nikon Coolpix Package completed with various features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.

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You can purchase these product with best price. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

Product DetailsTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description
Includes the following items:Nikon Coolpix L26 Digital CameraIkelite Underwater Housing for Nikon L26Ikelite (3910) Travel BagThe Ikelite ULTRAcompact digital housing really delivers when performance and durability matter. The ULTRAcompact housing is high quality, built to last and backed by Ikelite's reputation for excellence. Key Features? Access to all camera functions? Drop-in camera loading? See the o-ring seal? Compatible with wide angle lenses? 200ft (60m) depth ratingEase of useThe perfect system for beginner and intermediate divers looking for a small, simple system to shoot both stills and videos. Automatic modes make photos and video a breeze allowing you to simply turn on the camera, point and shoot. Image and video qualityEnjoy crisp resolution up to 16.1 megapixel and high quality 720p HD video in a pocket-sized package. Manual white balance is quickly accessed through the camera's Shooting Menu for realistic color correction up to approximately 40ft (12m) in sunny conditions. Add an external strobe and/or video light for stunning images at all depths and light levels.AF35 AutoFlashAn underwater strobe is able to travel farther and cover more area than the built-in flash. The AF35 is an automatic optical slave strobe featuring large, simple to use controls and exposure adjustment capabilities. The flash comes complete with tray and handle for the ultimate value in external flash. No fiber optic cable needed, just attach it and shoot!


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