AquaTech NB-300S Underwater Sports Housing for Nikon D300s - Rated Down to 33 Feet Review

If you are searching for top recommended product with discount price and great quality, then AquaTech NB-300S Underwater Sports Housing for Nikon D300s - Rated Down to 33 Feet is our recommendation for you. There are a lot of good reviews about this product, AquaTech NB-300S Underwater Sports Housing for Nikon D300s - Rated Down to 33 Feet completed with lots of features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more details about this product, just read its main features below.
  • The epoxy construction makes the housing lightweight and durable
  • Designed for surface photography
  • Perfect for working in and around the water, up to a depth of 33' (10 m)
  • Assortment of interchangeable lens ports allows use of different lenses including long telephoto zooms
  • Quick release clips with safety latches prevent flooding

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You can get these product with best deal. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so buy it Now!

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Product Description
This AquaTech NB-300S Underwater Sports Housing is designed for the Nikon D300s camera. The camera fits in the housing like a glove. This allows the housing to look, feel and operate like your camera, using tactile controls instead of levers and gears. The epoxy construction makes the housing lightweight and durable. All of the aluminum parts have been hard anodized for maximum protection and product longevity. The NB-300S is perfect for working in and around the water, up to a depth of 33' (10m). The size and weight provides superb handling on the surface. This allows you to shoot surf and sailing photos while being right in the water. Camera installation is quick and simple. The dependable controls are conveniently placed at your fingertips. The 5-pin bulkhead allows for TTL strobe control with Nikon land strobes in housing. An assortment of interchangeable lens ports allows use of different lenses including long telephoto zooms. This feature makes the housing suitable for surface work instead of using housings designed for diving that only allow use of wide-angle lenses.


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