If you're looking for best recommended product with best price and better quality, then OceanLED 1520 Flush Mount Underwater Light - Ocean Blue is our suggestion. There are a lot of good opinions about this product, OceanLED 1520 Flush Mount Underwater Light - Ocean Blue completed with various features making it the best product. If you would like to know more info about this product, just read its main features below.
- Ocean Led 1520Fm Flush Mount Blue Underwater Light
Price: $1,299.00
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Product Information |
Product Description
Pro Series 1520 Flush MountThe Flush Mount has an exceptionally low profile giving it virtually unlimited hull mounting options. This light can be retrofitted into most existing underwater lighting hole cut-outs, offering immediate benefits of no startup power surge, low heat, minimal maintenance and improved light output. Ideally suited for boats up to 35' (10m) using 2-4 lights per side with spacing of 2-4' (0.5-1.2m). A very quick-to-fit light using Deutsch plug-and-play quick connect electrical installation system. Suitable for Fiberglass, GRP and wooden hulls, and now also avail- able for use on aluminium/steel hulls using the Delrin Sleeve option.2-?" Hole - Easy to RetrofitEqual to some 35w Xenon12/24vDC40,000 Hour LifeAluminium Bronze AB2Plug & PlayFactory Sealed UnitNo Breakable Parts
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