If you are trying to find top recommended product with best price and high quality, then Ikelite 5651.10 JVC WP10 Underwater Housing Only is our recommendation for you. There are many positive opinions about this product, Ikelite 5651.10 JVC WP10 Underwater Housing Only completed with plenty of features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
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Product Description
Ikelite's Compact Video Underwater Housing for JVC Picsio GC-WP10A lets you dive to 200' (60 m) with the easy-to-use JVC Picsio GC-WP10A compact video and still camera (not included). This housing has slightly positive buoyancy underwater, and gives you access to all basic camera controls such as power on/off, video recording start/stop, zoom, and still photo shooting. This high-quality housing is built to last, and the open-latch and drop-in camera loading make it very simple to use. The housing includes a 1cc tube of silicone lubricant, vinyl lanyard and removable UR/Pro color correcting filter for tropical blue water settings.
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