Luna 4 V Professional Underwater LED Video Light (4000 lumens, rated 626'/200m deep) with Nocturnal Lights 12" Flex Arm & Mounting Tray for Olympus Underwater Camera Housings PT-044 for FE-360, PT-045 for Stylus Tough-8000, PT-046 for FE-3010, PT-047 for Stylus Tough-6000, PT-E05 for E-520, PT-E06 for E-620 Top Price

If you are trying to find great recommended product with lowest price and high quality, then Luna 4 V Professional Underwater LED Video Light (4000 lumens, rated 626'/200m deep) with Nocturnal Lights 12" Flex Arm & Mounting Tray for Olympus Underwater Camera Housings PT-044 for FE-360, PT-045 for Stylus Tough-8000, PT-046 for FE-3010, PT-047 for Stylus Tough-6000, PT-E05 for E-520, PT-E06 for E-620 is our suggestion. There are many positive opinions about this product, Luna 4 V Professional Underwater LED Video Light (4000 lumens, rated 626'/200m deep) with Nocturnal Lights 12" Flex Arm & Mounting Tray for Olympus Underwater Camera Housings PT-044 for FE-360, PT-045 for Stylus Tough-8000, PT-046 for FE-3010, PT-047 for Stylus Tough-6000, PT-E05 for E-520, PT-E06 for E-620 completed with lots of features making it the best product. If you need to know more details about this product, just read its main features below.

Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.

You can get these product with special offer. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so buy it Now!

Product DetailsTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description

LED technology with outstanding efficiency
Our proprietary LED array technology provides a very bright light with a color temperature of 5000 Kelvin. The efficacy of the LED bulb is exceeding the specifications of HID bulbs. A unique feature is the variable power with 5 settings ranging from 11-45 Watt.

Soft 80 beam
The light has a very soft and speckle free beam of 85 in water (110 im air).

The self contained design makes this light very easy to use. There is no need for special mountings for the battery canister.
The included bracket allows easy mounting on standard arm systems like the Ultra Light arms.

Small and lightweight
The design is optimized for very small dimensions and light weight. You do not find any other light on the market which is as small and powerfull than the LUNA 4 V.
The complete set (light, bracket, diffuser) ads only 0.7kg (0.22kg in water) to your gear.

Tough Design
The LED can not break and has almost unlimited lifetime.
Thanks to its overtemperature protection, the light can also be used outside the water.

Li-Ion Battery
The LUNA 4 V uses a rechargeable Li-Ion batterypack which offers much higher power density and less weight compared to NiMH batteries. The Li-Ion batterypack also offers better performance in cold water conditions than NiMH batteries do. The batterypack can be easily exchanged within a few seconds.
The wall adapter accepts 110V to 240V AC. Exchangeable adapter plugs allow worldwide use.

Charge Display
An eight stage charge level indicator gives you the charge level while charging or diving.


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