If you are trying to find best recommended product with best price and great quality, then Canon WP-DC34 Waterproof Housing for PowerShot G11 Digital Camera with Accessory Kit, ( includes,Canon WW-DC1 Weight Set (4 pack), Silicon Grease Lubricant, Silica GelPacks, Professional Lens Cleaning Kit) is our recommendation. There are many positive opinions about this product, Canon WP-DC34 Waterproof Housing for PowerShot G11 Digital Camera with Accessory Kit, ( includes,Canon WW-DC1 Weight Set (4 pack), Silicon Grease Lubricant, Silica GelPacks, Professional Lens Cleaning Kit) completed with plenty of features making it amazing product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
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Product Description
The Waterproof Case for the Powershot G-11. lets you take your camera safely out to sea in a boat, on a surfboard, in a kayak...or up to 130 ft./40m beneath the surface.For the underwater enthusiast, Canon offers an optional waterproof case weight set (WW-DC1) that is compatible with all of its underwater housings. Available in packs of four, these weights allow the camera to stay put for steady underwater photography.
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