If you are trying to find best recommended product with cheaper price and great quality, then Fujifilm 3D W1 Professional Underwater Camera Housing (294 feet / 90 m depth rating) is our recommendation. There are a lot of good reviews about this product, Fujifilm 3D W1 Professional Underwater Camera Housing (294 feet / 90 m depth rating) completed with various features making it great product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
- Housing only; does not include camera
- Rated at 294 feet / 90 meters depth rating
- Recommended working depth: 196 feet / 60 meters
- Full function and control of camera
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Product Information |
Product Description
The Fuji Film 3DW1 Underwater Camera Housing by 10Bar Hs-DC-FF-3DW1.
This sturdy aluminum housing is specially designed for the FinePix REAL 3D system, the world's first three dimensional digital imaging system, allowing users to enjoy 3D images without the use of special 3D glasses. With the full function buttons and control for the camera, photographers can now take 3D photos and video underwater.
The housing is tested to 10 bar (300 ft/90 m). Recommended working pressure is 60 meters. The housing is sealed via double o-ring and keylock system.
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