Lumishore Thru-Hull Flush Fit Underwater Light - White - 36W Best Seller

If you're searching for top recommended product with lowest price and top quality, then Lumishore Thru-Hull Flush Fit Underwater Light - White - 36W is our suggestion. There are many positive reviews about this product, Lumishore Thru-Hull Flush Fit Underwater Light - White - 36W completed with various features making it the best product. If you wish to know more info about this product, just look at its main features below.

Price: $1,799.00
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.

You can get these product with best price. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

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Product Description
Lumishore Thru-Hull - LED Underwater Lighting for Yachts & BoatsTHX36-WThe Lumishore Thru-Hull is designed for those owners who would prefer the integrity of thru-hull installation using the most powerful, efficient and cost effective underwater LED lighting systems on the market today.Available in a variety of power levels the Lumishore Thru-Hull is suitable for all sizes and types of watercraft including Sports Boats, Cruisers, Yachts, and Super Yachts where a permanent hull fixture is required.The Lumishore Thru-Hull is a desirable replacement fitting for existing underwater hull lighting systems, and is manufactured to the highest standards and is made from the finest marine grade materials.Benefits Brightest and most Efficient LED underwater lights available Best Price Performance on the market Total Flexibility over installation Wider Angle lens for the perfect "Swimming Pool" Effect Easily retro-fitted to existing installations. Advanced Light Engine design increasing integrity of systemFeatures Powerful 36 watt HICOB LED array (equivalent 100 watts Xenon lighting) Fixture Lumens 2500 Precision machined Aluminium Bronze Body and Fittings Flush-Fit for Transom and Hull side installation Small Cable Entry Hole Small Dimensions; 63mm diameter, 9mm depth High voltage range : 10-31 Volts Low Current Draw; 3Amps@12V


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