If you are looking for best recommended product with best price and high quality, then Sony CX500 CX505 CX520 CX700 Namib Pro Underwater Waterproof Video Housing by BS Kinetics is our suggestion. There are many great opinions about this product, Sony CX500 CX505 CX520 CX700 Namib Pro Underwater Waterproof Video Housing by BS Kinetics completed with lots of features making it great product. If you need to know more details about this product, just look at its main features below.
- Included Components: M67(mm) Flatport, Handgrip, User's Manual
- Every single housing manufactured is tested to a standard immersion depth of 262 feet (80 meters).
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Product Description
The Sony CX500, CX505, CX520, CX700 Namib Underwater Housing, by BS Kinetics.Included Components: M67(mm) Flatport, Handgrip, User's ManualEvery single housing manufactured is tested to a standard immersion depth of 262 feet (80 meters).As the lightest and smallest underwater housing of the BS Kinetics product range the Model Namib was designed by BS Kinetics. With its weight of 3.97 lbs (1800 g) and a size of 7.48" x 5.71" 8.07" (190 x 145 x 205 mm), it is easy to store in every dive luggage and will enable its owner unforgettable recordings from holiday trips.Because of well fitting control elements cameras made by Panasonic, Sony, Canon or JVC can be operated. With the availability of four up to twelve buttons cameras can be operated completely depending on the type. Since not all cameras are showing full range functionality, control elements are available in corresponding grades. On customer demand mechanical access can be installed individually. Surveillance is possible by a direct view to the camera's out and in place monitor display.The used composite material made of carbon fibre and epoxy resin, known from Formula One and light aircraft construction is showing the strength of steel offering the advantages of plast material at the same time. It is unputrescible, durable and resistant against sale water and UV resistant. The underwater housing has an integrated port offering an M67 thread. Therewith it is possible to attach converter lenses for macro as well as for wide angle recordings. The front port is fabricated from glass as it is at all BS Kinetics underwater housings. It is showing a positive buoyancy under water and will guarantee in along with an appropriate lighting system guarantee maximum fun while diving and unforgettable underwater recordings.A side of converter lenses red filters, magenta filter and video lighting systems are available as accessory tools.
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