If you're looking for best recommended product with lowest price and better quality, then Ikelite 6231.30 Underwater Camera Housing for Olympus Tough 3000 (mju 3000) Digital Cameras is our suggestion. There are a lot of good reviews about this product, Ikelite 6231.30 Underwater Camera Housing for Olympus Tough 3000 (mju 3000) Digital Cameras completed with many features making it top product. If you would like to know more info about this product, just look at its main features below.
- Package Includes: 1 x Ikelite Ultra Compact Housing , 1 x Flash Diffuser, 1 x Flash Deflector, 1 x Wrist Lanyard, 1 x O-Ring, 1 x Silicone O-Ring Lubricant, 1 x Instruction Manual
- Compatible Cameras: Olympus 3000
- The housing is made out of Clear Polycarbonate which provides unobstructed view of the camera's information and control functions with visual confirmation of o-ring seal. Depth Rated 60m (200ft).
- The housing "O" ring seal is a masterpiece in fail-safe simplicity compared to designs that require stuffing the "O" ring into a groove. You can see that the "O" ring is sealed.
- The housing size and weight provides almost neutral buoyancy and superb handling underwater. Camera installation is quick and simple. The dependable controls are conveniently placed at fingertip, and kept water tight with the Ikelite pioneered Quad-Ring seal glands, one of the most reliable methods for sealing controls
Price: $260.00
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can get these product with affordable price. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so buy it Now!

Product Information |
Product Description
Dive into underwater photography with this compact and simple to use combination. The ULTRAcompact housing is high quality, built tolast, and backed by Ikelite's long-standing reputation for excellence. All camera controls except the In-Camera Manual (?) button are fully functional through the housing and depth rated to 200ft (60m). Easy open latch and drop in camera loading make set-up a breeze. Two 12-24 threaded mounts on the bottom of the housing allow for the secure attachment of optional trays and lighting accessories. Size and Weight. 6.4" wide x 4.6" high x 3.3" deep ( including controls and lens port ). 16cm x 12cm x 8.4cm. Less than 1lb (0.45kg) above water. Neutrally buoyant underwater. Camera's Built-in Flash. An included flash diffuser improves lighting quality when the camera's built-in flash is used. A built-in flash is effective between1-3 feet (0.3-0.9m) from the subject in clear conditions. For best results an external underwater strobe is recommended. External Color Filters. Color filters replace some of the reds, oranges and more natural tones that would otherwise be lost underwater. Effective in relatively shallow, sunny conditions. Available as #6441.31 for tropical blue water and #6441.71 for use in green water settings. External Underwater Strobes. Ikelite strobes are much more powerful, recycle more quickly, and eliminate more backscatter than the camera's built-in fla
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