Nikon WP-N1 Waterproof Underwater Case Housing for 1 J1 & J2 Digital Camera & 10-30mm Lens with Battery + ML-L3 Remote + Accessory Kit Cheap Price

If you're looking for best recommended product with discount price and better quality, then Nikon WP-N1 Waterproof Underwater Case Housing for 1 J1 & J2 Digital Camera & 10-30mm Lens with Battery + ML-L3 Remote + Accessory Kit is our recommendation. There are many great feedbacks about this product, Nikon WP-N1 Waterproof Underwater Case Housing for 1 J1 & J2 Digital Camera & 10-30mm Lens with Battery + ML-L3 Remote + Accessory Kit completed with various features making it great product. If you wish to know more details about this product, just read its main features below.
  • KIT INCLUDES 5 PRODUCTS -- All BRAND NEW Items with all Manufacturer-supplied Accessories + Full USA Warranties:
  • <1> Nikon WP-N1 Waterproof Underwater Case Housing for 1 J1 & J2 Digital Camera & 10-30mm Lens +
  • <2> Battery for Nikon EN-EL20 +
  • <3> Sealife Moisture Muncher +
  • <4> ML-L3 Shutter Remote Control + <5> PD 6pc Complete Cleaning Kit

Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.

You can purchase these product with affordable price. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so Dont Miss it!!

Product DetailsTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description

Kit includes:
1) Nikon WP-N1 Waterproof Underwater Case Housing for 1 J1 & J2 Digital Camera & 10-30mm Lens
2) Spare EN-EL20 Battery for Nikon
3) Sealife Small Silica Gel Moisture Muncher (10 Capsules)
4) Vivitar ML-L3 Wireless Shutter Release Remote Control for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
5) Precision Design 6-Piece Camera & Lens Cleaning Kit

Now your Nikon 1 can really go everywhere, even underwater! Fully submersible all the way down to 130 feet deep (40 meters), the Nikon WP-N1 waterproof housing transforms your Nikon 1 J1 or J2 into a powerful waterproof and underwater camera that's perfect for diving, snorkeling, boating, and much more. Relive your adventures with the brilliant photos and HD videos only Nikon 1 can achieve.

Increase your shooting capacity with this powerful EN-EL20 Lithium-ion rechargeable battery.

Sealife Moisture Muncher Packs absorb moisture to prevent fogging and corrosion of your valuable electronics and cameras. Use inside an airtight storage case or container to create a perfect dry environment for your valuable items. Each package contains ten (10) 1.5g capsules containing color-indicating silica gel. When gel turns from blue to pink, full absorption has been reached.

The Vivitar ML-L3 Wireless Remote Control is a miniature infrared transmitter, handy for taking pictures of subjects that are difficult to approach, or to minimize vibration for close-ups and time exposure. It operates at ranges up to 16.4 ft. (5m), and may also be used to activate mirror lock and bulb shutter function.

This 6-piece cleaning kit contains everything you'll ever need to properly clean your lenses, including a Hurricane Air Blower, Lens Cleaning Tissues, Lens Cloth, Lens Cleaning Liquid, Brush and Cotton Swabs.


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