If you are trying to find best recommended product with lowest price and top quality, then Ewa-Marine Under Water Housing for Nikon Coolpix 5700, 8700, 8800 Digital Cameras for dive depths of up to 30 m / 100' is our recommendation. There are many positive reviews about this product, Ewa-Marine Under Water Housing for Nikon Coolpix 5700, 8700, 8800 Digital Cameras for dive depths of up to 30 m / 100' completed with plenty of features making it great product. If you need to know more info about this product, just look at its main features below.
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Product Description
The D-A housing allows you to take your camera down to a dive depth of 30meters / 100 feet. The D-A is the perfect housing for snorkeling, out-door sports and even scuba diving. The housing can be used on small boats, in the surf, while swimming, snorkeling or diving. It's easy to operate the camera as its various components and buttons can be operated through the PVC.With this housing, a whole new world of applications opens up for your digital camera. Inside the housing you can now take the camera safely canoeing, snorkeling or even diving, up to a depth of 30 m / 100 ft.Experienced photographers have confirmed, that the auto focus and flash both continue to function perfectly. As you descend, the air is pressed into the camera. Due to this, the pressure inside the housing will remain the same as the surrounding water pressure (this is the reason why ewa-marine housings are so safe to use: implosions are impossible). Due to this, we have to start the dive with a suitable amount of air inside the housing. The foam pads supplied with the housing are part of this air "reservoir" and additional air should also be blown into the housing, via the valve at the rear, to ensure that the maximum potential volume is being utilized.The D-A housing is manufactured from double laminated PVC and has an integrated, optically neutral flat glass port. The flip-up, internal flash, that can be found on some models will fit into the specially designed section on the top
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