LitepanelsLP MICROPROUW MicroPro Under Water Housing Best Offers

If you're searching for great recommended product with lowest price and great quality, then LitepanelsLP MICROPROUW MicroPro Under Water Housing is our suggestion. There are a lot of good feedbacks about this product, LitepanelsLP MICROPROUW MicroPro Under Water Housing completed with lots of features making it the best product. If you wish to know more details about this product, just look at its main features below.
  • Portable
  • No cables to the surface
  • Slightly negative buoyancy
  • Easily handheld
  • Modular for various underwater lighting combinations

Price: $850.00
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.

You can buy these product with best price. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so Dont Miss it!!

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Product Description
When shooting underwater, the cameraperson and crew are working in a three-dimensional water column. Depending on the scene or the subject, the camera and lighting are usually in constant motion trying to get the shot. The tools needed to successfully shoot underwater have to be lightweight and easy to maneuver. The SeaSun lighting fixtures have been designed to be as close to neutrally buoyant as possible, allowing for easy movement to follow the action. They are designed to be slightly negative in buoyancy, small in size and easily handheld underwater. Litepanels LEDs require less than 1/10th the amount of power as traditional underwater lighting sources, which allows batteries used to power the lights to last 10 times longer than old-style underwater fixtures. For example, using Energizer e2 Lithium Ion AA batteries, the MicroPro can run over 5 hours. And because LEDs emit almost no heat at all, the Litepanels SeaSuns can be removed from the water with the light still turned on. Litepanels SeaSun fixtures are easily gelled to modify color temperature. Dimensions: 6.5" x 5.25" x 3.5"; Depth Rating: 100.


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