If you're searching for great recommended product with best price and high quality, then Ikelite Underwater Housing for Sony HDR-XR350 & XR350V is our recommendation. There are a lot of great opinions about this product, Ikelite Underwater Housing for Sony HDR-XR350 & XR350V completed with various features making it great product. If you wish to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
- Optical Glass Port
- Rear-view LCD Monitor
- Power on/off/Mode Control
- Record start/stop
- Zoom Control
Price: $799.98
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Product Information |
Product Description
Molded of clear polycarbonate to provide seamless construction and corrosion proof performance. This "Clearly Superior" design provides full view of the camcorder, control functions, and assurance the system is safe up to depths of 200 feet (60 meters). The camera's large viewing screen can be seen easily through the housing back. Menu functions accessed through the camera's LCD touch screen are not accessible in this installation. The base removes instantly with a unique toggle clamp for traveling or attaching of the optional Pro Video Lite 3 battery pack. The handle assembly detaches from the housing by removal of just two nuts for packing. The housing accommodates Sony NP-FV50, FV70 and FV100 batteries.
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