If you are searching for best recommended product with lowest price and top quality, then Nikon 8800 Professional Underwater Camera Housing (294 feet / 90 m depth rating) is our recommendation for you. There are a lot of great opinions about this product, Nikon 8800 Professional Underwater Camera Housing (294 feet / 90 m depth rating) completed with lots of features making it top product. If you would like to know more details about this product, just read its main features below.
- Housing only; does not include camera
- Rated at 294 feet / 90 meters depth rating
- Recommended working depth: 196 feet / 60 meters
- Full function and control of camera
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can get these product with best deal. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

Product Information |
Product Description
The Nikon CP 8800 Underwater Camera Housing by 10Bar Hs-DC-Nk-8800.
The housing is tested to 10 bar (300 ft/90 m). Recommended working pressure is 60 meters.
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