If you are searching for best recommended product with discount price and top quality, then OLE004000003 - OCEANLED 60I ULTRA WHITE is our suggestion. There are many great opinions about this product, OLE004000003 - OCEANLED 60I ULTRA WHITE completed with plenty of features making it the best product. If you need to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
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Product Description
The New Hybrid Series, the next generation of underwater lighting has arrived from industry leader OceanLED. The Hybrids all-in-one technology marks it as the first high powered underwater LED light without any external power supplies or driver boxes. Its new integrated built-in driver and electronics eliminate installation complications of the past and results in a much cleaner, faster installation. Taking the 1" thru hull concept even further the Hybrid model now has the most versatile mounting method on an underwater light ? either surface mount the fixture on to the hull with a small 1" hole for cable access or thread the optional thru hull locking stem on to the rear of the light body and use as a traditional thru hull. When space is a premium you can simply cut the stem to size and re-attach to the light fixture, for a customized fit. Hybrids yield ultra-high light output, almost 20% brighter than its predecessor the 2010 the 60i is equivalent to any 100w Xenon underwater light on the market and most high powered LED competing lights. Suitable for Fiberglass, GRP and wooden hulls up to 20m (65?), and also usable on aluminium/steel hulls/brackets using the Delrin Sleeve option.
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