If you're looking for great recommended product with discount price and top quality, then Panasonic SD900 Sonoran Professional Underwater Waterproof Video Housing by BS Kinetics is our recommendation. There are many great reviews about this product, Panasonic SD900 Sonoran Professional Underwater Waterproof Video Housing by BS Kinetics completed with plenty of features making it awesome product. If you need to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
- Included Components: M67(mm) Flatport, Handgrip, Water Sensor, User's Manual
- Every single housing manufactured is tested to a standard immersion depth of 262 feet (80 meters).
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Product Description
The Panasonic SD900 Sonoran Underwater Housing, by BS Kinetics.Included Components: M67(mm) Flatport, Handgrip, Water Sensor, User's ManualAs biggest housing with fold-out display the BS Kinetics, from Baden, Germany, has developed the Sonoran underwater housing. Originally developed for the Sony HC1000, the housing is for camcorders such as the Sony XR550. With a mass of only 6.83 lbs (3100 g) and dimensions of 10.24" x 5.91" x 10.24" (260 x 150 x 260 mm), it fits easily into any diving equipment luggage, and will give its owner unforgettable holiday pictures.Panasonic, Sony, Canon or JVC cameras can be operated using its convenient controls.Any of these cameras can be completely controlled using any number of the 12 available buttons. Mechanical controls can also be built in, upon request. Image control is as straightforward as looking at the cameras fold-out viewfinder display.The carbon fiber and epoxy resin composite material used, better known in Formula One and light aircraft manufacturing circles, has the strength of steel with all the advantages of plastic. It is rot proof, durable, and will not be damaged by sea water and UV rays. The underwater housing has a fixed inbuilt port with an M67 thread. This makes is possible to pre-fit ancillary lenses for either macro or wide-angle shots.
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