Intova ISS 4000 Underwater Slave Flash & Mini LED Torch with Flex Arms + Mounting Brackets + Accessory Kit Special Offers

If you are searching for best recommended product with lowest price and better quality, then Intova ISS 4000 Underwater Slave Flash & Mini LED Torch with Flex Arms + Mounting Brackets + Accessory Kit is our recommendation for you. There are a lot of great opinions about this product, Intova ISS 4000 Underwater Slave Flash & Mini LED Torch with Flex Arms + Mounting Brackets + Accessory Kit completed with many features making it great product. If you would like to know more info about this product, just read its main features below.
  • KIT INCLUDES 7 PRODUCTS -- All BRAND NEW Items with all Manufacturer-supplied Accessories + Full USA Warranties:
  • <1> Intova ISS 4000 Underwater Slave Flash +
  • <2> Intova LED Mini Torch Light + <3> Intova Mini Torch Adapter +
  • <4> Intova Bracket & Flex Arm + <5> Intova Flex M-Extension Arm +
  • <6> Intova 30cm Flex Arm + <7> Microfiber Cleaning Cloth

Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.

You can get these product with special discount. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

Product InformationTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description

Kit includes:
1) Intova ISS 4000 Underwater Slave Flash
2) Intova LED Mini Torch Flashlight / Video Light
3) Intova Mini Torch Adapter
4) Intova StaySlim Bracket with Flex Arm
5) Intova Stay Slim Flex M-Extension Arm
6) Intova 30cm Flex Arm
7) Microfiber Cleaning Cloth

The Intova ISS 4000 is a versatile slave flash designed for multiple purposes. Waterproof, shock resistant, compact and easy to operate. Four pre-flash settings allow the ISS 4000 to work with virtually all cameras. The power knob adjusts anywhere between 10-100% for precise output power. Recycling time between flashes is blazing quick and a diffuser is included with the strobe. Waterproof depth rating of 180 feet (55 meters).

The Intova Mini Torch with its high-intensity 4.7W LED diode is a practical and convenient dive light. It is submersible to 400 feet (120m), and is made of anodized aluminum making it extremely durable. The light produces a concentrated bright white beam (130 Lumens), and features a 3-position tail switch.

Turn your Intova Mini Torch into an underwater video light with the Intova Mini Torch Adapter.

The Intova Stay Slim Bracket with Flex Arm consists of a base with a standard tripod screw, and an 11.8 inch (30cm) flex arm for mounting strobes or video lights to an underwater camera housing.

The Intova Stay Slim Flex M-Extension Arm is an optional arm that allows the Stay Slim Bracket to become a double mount system for extra underwater lighting options.

The Intova 30cm Flex Arm is versatile flex arm which allows full range flexibility for mounting strobes or video lights to an underwater camera housing.

Keep your camera and lenses smudge-free with this handy microfiber cleaning cloth.


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