Sea and Sea YS TTL Converter/C for Canon for Underwater Photography Special Discount

If you are looking for top recommended product with lowest price and top quality, then Sea and Sea YS TTL Converter/C for Canon for Underwater Photography is our recommendation. There are a lot of positive reviews about this product, Sea and Sea YS TTL Converter/C for Canon for Underwater Photography completed with many features making it great product. If you need to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
  • The converter is compatible with all current Sea & Sea Strobes
  • Converter is compatible with Sea & Sea housings for Canon cameras with a TTL bulkhead
  • TTL mode with TTL adjustment dial from +2 to -2 in 1/3rd stops Manual
  • The converter features a plastic hand-tighten battery compartment
  • Included CR2 lithium battery

Price: $649.98
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.

You can buy these product with special offer. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so Dont Miss it!!

Product DetailsTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description
This converter is equipped with a built-in TTL PCB that connects a Canon digital SLR with SEA&SEA YS-Series strobes and uses the cameras TTL flash adjustment to control the amount of light put out by the strobe. The converter allows quick switching underwater between TTL mode and manual mode from outside the camera. You can use the TTL correction dial after checking the results of a shot in the LCD monitor to adjust the amount of strobe light for the next shot. Because the converter comes with two separate strobe connectors, you can use advanced automatic TTL flash adjustment with two strobes.


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