If you are looking for best recommended product with lowest price and high quality, then Epoque ERX-C1010 X-2 Underwater Housing for Canon EOS Rebel XSi 450D SLR Came... is our recommendation for you. There are many great opinions about this product, Epoque ERX-C1010 X-2 Underwater Housing for Canon EOS Rebel XSi 450D SLR Came... completed with various features making it the best product. If you wish to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
- Housing accesses most camera functions
- The housing features corner-to-corner clarity and easy camera data viewing, even when wearing a dive mask
- Five interchangeable lens ports (required accessory) allow use of macro, wide-angle, and zoom lenses
- The housing features a Nikonos style bulkhead for connecting strobes with a sync cord
- Pop up the camera's built-in flash to use Epoque underwater strobes with their built-in slave trigger
Price: $1,499.99
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Product Description
The Epoque ERX-C1010 X-2 housing is for the Canon EOS Rebel XSi (450D) digital camera. It is a stylish and durable polycarbonate housing for anyone looking to pursue underwater digital photography with the flexibility and quality of an SLR camera. The housing allows use of your digital camera while exploring the underwater world at depths up to 150' (45m). Designed for the novice, the housing's many features will appeal to the experienced underwater photographer as well. This housing will operate most of the controls on your camera. Using an external flash will bring back the natural color that is lost underwater. The housing features a Nikonos style bulkhead for connecting strobes with a sync cord. You can also pop up the camera's built-in flash. This allows you to use Epoque underwater strobes with their built-in slave trigger. Five interchangeable lens ports (required accessory) allow use of the macro, wide angle, and zoom lenses best suited for underwater photography.
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