Fuji Film Finepix XP100 14MP 5X WA 2.7in LCD Digital Camera Blue + 4Gb Digital Memory Card + Memory Card 3 Pocket Storage Case + Camera Screen Protectors +Accessory Kit Cheap Price

If you are looking for great recommended product with discount price and top quality, then Fuji Film Finepix XP100 14MP 5X WA 2.7in LCD Digital Camera Blue + 4Gb Digital Memory Card + Memory Card 3 Pocket Storage Case + Camera Screen Protectors +Accessory Kit is our suggestion. There are many positive feedbacks about this product, Fuji Film Finepix XP100 14MP 5X WA 2.7in LCD Digital Camera Blue + 4Gb Digital Memory Card + Memory Card 3 Pocket Storage Case + Camera Screen Protectors +Accessory Kit completed with many features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.

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Product Description
Fujifilm is proud to announce the launch of the FinePix XP150 and FinePix XP100, cameras that define new standards for all-weather digital compacts. Building on the success of previous XP models, the FinePix XP150/100 are the ultimate camera for anyone who lives for the great outdoors, and wants to be able to document their exploits every step of the way. Whether climbing mountains or diving oceans the FinePix XP150/100 have what it takes to deliver high quality stills and movie whatever the conditions.Built to lastThe solid build, rubberized coating and riveted metal handgrip makes this is the toughest FinePix yet.Underwater photographers can dive twice as deep with a FinePix XP150/100 compared to the existing FinePix XP30, which means they can keep on shooting to depths of 10 m. Walkers, climbers and mountain bikers, meanwhile, will benefit from the camera's increased shockproofing capabilities that mean it can survive a drop from up to 2 m. If you like to shoot in the coldest of climates, the XP150/100 will keep functioning all the way down to -10?C. Plus dust and sand are no match for the camera either, thanks to its extensive weather seals in all the important places. What's more, the zoom lens comes with a water repellent coating to prevent water droplets spoiling your shots and even the battery/memory cover comes with a new double lock for ultimate protection from the elements.In short, whatever your active lifestyle throws at the FinePix XP150/100, it'll keep on comin...


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