If you're looking for best recommended product with lowest price and high quality, then SeaLife DC1200 MAXX 12MP Digital Underwater Camera, 24mm Lens, Dual Strobes & Hard Case Waterproof up to 200 ft. (60m) is our recommendation for you. There are many great opinions about this product, SeaLife DC1200 MAXX 12MP Digital Underwater Camera, 24mm Lens, Dual Strobes & Hard Case Waterproof up to 200 ft. (60m) completed with various features making it awesome product. If you need to know more info about this product, just look at its main features below.
- <#1> Variable power adjustment allows user to manually fine tune flash brightness for desired effect and image exposure. + <#2> Auto Mode setting adjusts flash brightness for optimal image exposure + <#3> Flexible, rubberized arm for easy aiming and sure grip. +
- <#4> Effective underwater distance range from 2 to 8 ft. (0.6 to 2.5 m). + <#5> "Piano Key" controls - No button clusters, only 5 large menu keys that are easy to navigate + <#6> Oversized shutter button and zoom toggle for easy camera control even with gloves on!
- <#7> Easy Set-up mode takes the guesswork out of setting up the camera for great pictures + <#8> Sea mode with 4 UW color correction settings for blue and green water conditions at shallow or deeper depths + <#9> Ext Flash Auto mode for automatic exposure settings when using one or two external flash accessories. Ideal for beginner and intermediate UW photographers +
- <#10> Ext Flash Manual mode for manual aperture and shutter speed exposure control when using one or two external flash accessories. Ideal for advanced UW photographers + <#11> Snorkel mode with color correction setting for matching shallow water light conditions + <#12> Spy Mode - The camera automatically shoots continuous pictures at set time intervals. Ideal for wildlife photography or other hard-to-shoot subjects +
- <#13> Removable inner camera for use on Land & Sea + <#14> Large 3" LCD for easy on-camera viewing + <#15> 25X Zoom - 5X optical plus 5X digital zoom + <#16> Optical Image Stabilization - CCD shift technology reduces camera shake caused by hand movement + <#17> Lithium Rechargeable Battery - 2+ hours video or 200+ pictures + <#18> SD and SDHC memory Card compatible up to 16GB
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You can buy these product with best deal. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so buy it Now!

Product Details |
Product Description
SeaLife has created the ultimate digital dive camera system which includes all the popular accessories and a 2GB memory card. The Maxx is outfitted with the DC1200 camera, wide angle lens and two Digital Pro Flashes in a deluxe hard travel case. Dual flashes eliminate shadows by illuminating the subject from both sides. Light up the deep and capture spectacular underwater images with the brightest colors you ever imagined.
Set the camera to Ext Flash Auto mode for automatic exposure control with the Digital Pro Flash, resulting in vibrant colors and reduced backscatter. The Ext Flash Manual mode offers advanced underwater photographers manual aperture and shutter speed controls.
Quick shutter response for fast action photography. Long lasting lithium battery for all day of diving. Automatic focus from 4" to infinity. Large format continuous video recording with sound. Depth tested to 200ft. Fully rubber armored for shock protection.
The SeaLife DC1200 camera makes underwater photography easier than ever before. SeaLifes 12-megapixel camera combines diver-friendly design and four underwater color modes, for sharp, colorful pictures underwater or on land.
The large shutter button on the housing extends forward with a fingertip-control lever that allows you to scroll through menus or zoom in and out without releasing your grip from the camera. Automatic focus from 4 to infinity and the video mode allows you to record 2+ hours of sharp, colorful video with sound when using a 4GB SD memory card. Depth tested to 200ft.
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