If you are searching for great recommended product with discount price and top quality, then Equinox Underwater DSLR Housing for Nikon D700 with Customizable Lens is our recommendation. There are many good opinions about this product, Equinox Underwater DSLR Housing for Nikon D700 with Customizable Lens completed with many features making it awesome product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.
- Package Includes:DSLR Housing,Dome Port Protector,Rubber Legs,Spare Oring Kit, 1 x Internal adjustable ballast,1 x Carrying strap
- Compatible With: Nikon D700
- Built to Fit Customer's Prefered Lens, Depth rated to 250 feet / 76 Meters, BRS (Ballast Release System) removable wings for easy transportation
- The Equinox DSLR housings are more bulky than most DSLR housings but carry with them the reliability and simplicity of all their housings. The biggest advantage is the ability to use many lenses inside the same dome or customize the housing for a specific lens thus saving the price of ports. The housing is quite lightweight, only 8-12lb Housing out of Water.
- Controls: Shutter Button, Menu Button, Menu Select & Scroll,Start/Stop, Mode, Manual Focus, Auto Focus, ISO, White Balance -- Controls can be added and customized upon request.
Price: $1,499.00
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.
You can get these product with special discount. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

Product Details |
Product Description
This housing includes a lens port for Customizable - Please contact us for other lenses
Top Product Features:
Built to Fit Customer's Prefered Lens, Depth rated to 250 feet
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