OLE001500355 - OCEANLED AMPHIBIAN A3 PRO Cheap Price

If you are searching for top recommended product with discount price and better quality, then OLE001500355 - OCEANLED AMPHIBIAN A3 PRO is our recommendation. There are a lot of great opinions about this product, OLE001500355 - OCEANLED AMPHIBIAN A3 PRO completed with plenty of features making it the best product. If you need to know more information about this product, just look at its main features below.

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You can get these product with special discount. Deals on this item available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

Product InformationTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description
The Amphibian Pro Series raises the bar on the original Amphibian range with an increase in brightness by 75%! The A3Pro underwater light rivals any 75 watt Halogen on the market and with 8 times the power savings.

The Amphibian Pro Series is for underwater use only however, due to its Active Thermal Control, a built-in temperature monitoring system, they can be used while under way.

Exceptionally easy to install and versatile enough to be mounted onto any transom or hull.

Maintenance is easy, just wipe away sea growth from its scratch resistant Tritonium Lens.

3/8" Hole in Hull Equal to 75w Halogen 12vDC ONLY 40,000+ Hour Life Chemically Resistant Polymer Twin Core Wire Factory Sealed Unit No Breakable Parts

Mounting Recommendations A3 Pro

Boat size up to: 9m (30')
Transom spacing: 0.5-1m (2-3')
Transom quantity: 2-4
Hull spacing: 0.5-1.2m (2-4')
For above and below water use


Light output equivalent to: 75W Halogen
Fixture Lumens* (total light output from a finished fixture): 350
Typical LED life expectancy: 40,000+ Hours
Minimum-Maximum operating voltage: DC 9-15vDC
Current / Amp draw (DC): 12vDC 0.5A
Approx. light penetration (avg. water quality): 4m (13')
Approx. Light penetration (perfect water quality) up to: 9+m (30')
Driver type Internal


Length of fixture: 92mm (35/8")
Width of fixture: 50mm (2")
Profile (height) of fixture: 21.5mm (3/4?)
Total weight: 110grms (3.8oz)
Extension cable length (standard): 2m (61/2')
Hole cut-out for cable entry: 9mm (3/8")
Material: Chemically resistant optical polymer
Lens: Tritonium Optical Lens


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