Panasonic Lumix TS20 16.1 MP TOUGH Waterproof Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom (Orange) with Mini Tool Box (Fs) Best Price

If you are trying to find top recommended product with cheaper price and top quality, then Panasonic Lumix TS20 16.1 MP TOUGH Waterproof Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom (Orange) with Mini Tool Box (Fs) is our recommendation. There are a lot of great reviews about this product, Panasonic Lumix TS20 16.1 MP TOUGH Waterproof Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom (Orange) with Mini Tool Box (Fs) completed with many features making it top product. If you need to know more details about this product, just look at its main features below.

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Product Description
Featuring a flat and slim profile that was made possible by using folded optics for the 4x optical zoom* lens unit, the DMC-TS20 is incredibly tough. It lets you save precious memories in the most suitable form - videos or photos -. Enjoy easy, casual shooting with style both in town and during outdoor adventures. The DMC-TS20 is optimal for both.With waterproof performance to a depth of 5m equivalent to the "IPX8" and "IP6X" standard, the DMC-TS20 supports active shooting on a beach, underwater or in a pool. If the camera gets dirty, soil and dust can be washed off by using water.The DMC-TS20 is shockproof from a height up to 1.5m in accordance with the "MIL-STD 810F Method 516.5-Shock" test standard. It lets you shoot actively while moving around with the camera in one hand.The DMC-TS20 is dustproof equivalent to the "IPX8" and "IP6X" standard. While hiking or playing sports, fine dust particles can enter through gaps in the camera body and cause malfunction. The DMC-TS20 can be used in these activities without problems.With freezeproof to -10 degrees C, the DMC-TS20 supports shooting while skiing, snowboarding or skating.4 Active Outdoor Scene ModesThe DMC-TS20 has 4 active outdoor Scene Modes - Sports, Snow, Beach & Surf, and Underwater - that can be selected easily and quickly from the menu, ensuring that you don't miss sudden shooting opportunities.2.7-inch Intelligent LCD with AR CoatingThe DMC-TS20's 2.7-inch LCD features 230K-dot Intelligent LCD. It automatically adjusts the brightness in 11 steps according to shooting conditions. In addition, the AR (anti-reflective) coating LCD minimizes glare and provides clear images, for high visibility even in outdoor brightness.Comes with Mini Tool Box. Great for storing any miscellaneous items or your spare change. Overall dimensions: 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 2 3/4". Mini Tool Box is shipped from a separate warehouse and will arrive within a few days of your order.


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