New Pioneer Sealife Replacement Housing for the DC1400 Digital 14MP Inner Camera (SL-114) Best Offers

If you are trying to find great recommended product with lowest price and great quality, then New Pioneer Sealife Replacement Housing for the DC1400 Digital 14MP Inner Camera (SL-114) is our recommendation for you. There are many positive reviews about this product, New Pioneer Sealife Replacement Housing for the DC1400 Digital 14MP Inner Camera (SL-114) completed with plenty of features making it amazing product. If you would like to know more information about this product, just read its main features below.
  • In order not to miss a shot.... always carry a spare!!!
  • Note: This listing is for the housing only and no other accessories are included in the sale

Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.

You can purchase these product with special discount. Deals on this product available only for limited time, so order it Now..!!

Product DetailsTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description
Imagine yourself on your long awaited photography expedition to Grand Cayman Island and the housing of your SeaLife DC1400 camera set accidentally gets knocked to the floor on the rocking boat. After your initial inspection, you determine that a couple of the buttons on your housing are visibly damaged.

The only way to keep shooting those great underwater photographs is to have a backup plan.

Your backup plan should be to simply have another DC1400 housing as a spare.

With the housing in your save-a-dive photo bag, you will continue to shoot those fabulous reef scenes for the remainder of your vacation.


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